Informational “The Graduate School Application Process (for Social Sciences Students) and Writing Those Pesky Personal Statements” Start: 11/15/19 1:00 pm End: 11/15/19 2:00 pm Location: Clark Hall
Informational Global Health Design in Uganda informational meeting Start: 11/15/19 12:45 pm End: 11/15/19 2:00 pm Location: Wickenden Building
Informational “Bring Us Your Curious! Join The Music Settlement Early Childhood Program to Explore the Possibilities for You and Your Child” Start: 11/15/19 12:30 pm End: 11/15/19 1:30 pm Location: Tinkham Veale University Center
Speakers and Lectures Ethics Table: St. Augustine Hunger Center Start: 11/15/19 12:30 pm End: 11/15/19 2:30 pm Location: Clark Hall
Speakers and Lectures “The Origins of Music at Notre Dame of Paris” Start: 11/15/19 12:00 pm End: 11/15/19 1:30 pm Location: Landmark Centre Building - 25700 Science Park Dr., Beachwood
Social “Let’s Taco ’bout a Plant-based Diet” Start: 11/15/19 12:00 pm End: 11/15/19 1:00 pm Location: Leutner Commons
Social America Recycles Day Start: 11/15/19 10:00 am End: 11/15/19 12:00 pm Location: Tinkham Veale University Center
Speakers and Lectures Fall 2019 Public Health Innovations Conference Start: 11/15/19 8:30 am End: 11/15/19 5:00 pm Location: Biomedical Research Building
Speakers and Lectures Women of Wonder: A Conversation on Leadership Start: 11/15/19 7:30 am End: 11/15/19 9:00 pm Location: Frank N. and Jocelyne K. Linsalata Alumni Center