Play Intervention for Preschoolers with ASD January 31, 2018WHO: children ages 3-6 years old who have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) WHAT: the neurodevelopment research lab...Community Postings·
The Observer is hiring reporters January 31, 2018The Observer is the University’s independent student news source. The newspaper is hiring reporters for this spring. Working...Community Postings·
Volunteers Needed for a Research Study January 30, 2018Do you have a happy and healthy 10-17 year old child? Help CWRU researchers learn more about children...Community Postings·
Volunteers Needed for Hearing Research Study January 26, 2018A research study is being conducted by Case Western Reserve University on how adult listeners understand speech in...Community Postings·
Dance the Night Away at Brite Winter January 26, 2018Brite Winter Music & Art Festival is taking place Saturday, February 24, 2018, and we are so excited...Community Postings·
Apply now for the Cleveland Hillel Foundation Summer Internship Program January 26, 2018The Cleveland Hillel Foundation Summer Internship Program (SIP CLE) is a unique paid summer internship program open to...Community Postings·
Find out how you can work at Sears think[box] January 25, 2018think[box] seeks innovative and motivated students from CWRU, CIA, and CIM to join our team! Be a Student...Community Postings·
Student Discount: The Cleveland Museum of Art’s Performing Arts Series 2017-18 January 23, 2018The Cleveland Museum of Art offers a unique program of international performances through its Performing Arts Series. CWRU...Community Postings·
Philosophy course explores meaning of social media January 19, 2018What does social media tell us about what it means to be human? What are the consequences of...Community Postings·
Family Caregiver Study January 16, 2018Are you over the age of 18 and the caregiver of a person with bipolar disorder? If so,...Community Postings·