Improv comedy troupe holding auditions for new pianist February 13, 2012IMPROVment, Case Western Reserve University’s short-form improv comedy troupe, is having pianist auditions in Eldred Theater until the...Student Life·
Apply to be an orientation leader today February 13, 2012Students are encouraged to apply to be an orientation leader today. Orientation leaders serve as representatives of the...EventsStudent Life·
Learn about studying in Ecuador from program alumni February 12, 2012Interested in studying abroad? Attend a presentation Feb. 14 given by students who traveled to Ecuador for winter...EventsStudent Life·
Career Services, Marine Corps hosting Leadership Seminar Feb. 15 February 12, 2012Case Western Reserve University’s Career Services Center will host a Marine Corps Leadership Seminar Feb. 15 at 3:30...EventsStudent Life·
Today’s student meeting with provost, senior administrators postponed February 10, 2012In recognition of the significance of today’s Relay for Life Power of Purple celebrations, Provost W.A. “Bud” Baeslack...EventsStudent Life·
Student volunteers needed for regional history day competition March 24 February 9, 2012Student volunteers of all majors are asked to help out with the regional History Day in Ohio competition,...Student Life·
Weatherhead Tax Assistance Program to help eligible residents with filing February 9, 2012The Weatherhead Tax Assistance Program will help Cuyahoga County residents with an income of $49,000 or less prepare...EventsStudent Life·
Submit program proposal for spring SatCo by Feb. 15 February 8, 2012Looking for ways to meet new people and share a special hobby or talent? Thinking about building your...EventsStudent Life·
Get Experienced! Internship and Career Fair to be held Feb. 16 February 8, 2012The Get Experienced! Internship and Career Fair will be held Thursday, Feb. 16 from 11 a.m. to 3...EventsStudent Life·
Outage scheduled for Feb. 12-13 for QuikPay services February 7, 2012QuikPay services will be down from 2 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 12, to 6 a.m. on Monday, Feb....Student Life·