Undergraduates: Apply now for the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Award March 3, 2013Undergraduate student applications are being accepted for the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Award, a variable award offering between $500...Student Life·
Registration opens for 2013 commencement March 1, 2013Registration for 2013 commencement is now open. All students who plan to attend commencement ceremonies on Sunday, May...Student Life·
Find out what to expect when you’re graduating during today’s community hour event March 1, 2013Have you ever wondered what to expect after you graduate from Case Western Reserve University? “The Grand Affair:...EventsStudent Life·
Join Dean Wolcowitz for a study break conversation March 4 February 28, 2013Undergraduate students are invited to join Dean Jeffrey Wolcowitz on Monday, March 4, in Hovorka Atrium from 4...EventsStudent Life·
Abstracts being accepted for Biomedical Graduate Student Symposium until March 15 February 28, 2013Abstracts are being accepted for the 36th annual Biomedical Graduate Student Symposium (BGSS) on Friday, May 10. The...Student Life·
Annual Juggling Club Spectacular to feature international juggling styles February 27, 2013The Case Juggling Club Spectacular will take place Friday, March 1, and Saturday, March 2. This annual showcase...EventsStudent Life·
Award-winning employees to share their experiences during Wittke/Jackson Lecture March 1 February 26, 2013All members of the campus community are invited to attend the annual Wittke/Jackson Lecture March 1 at 12:30...EventsStudent Life·
Alternative spring break alum to host ”Fiesta on the First” to fundraise for Nicaraguan community February 26, 2013Student alumni from the alternative spring break trip to Nicaragua will host a “Fiesta on the First” fundraiser...EventsStudent Life·
Take part in SpartanTHON dance marathon March 2 February 25, 2013The SpartanTHON dance marathon will take place this Saturday, March 2, from noon to midnight. Help fundraise for...EventsStudent Life·
Are you a writer? Earn cash prizes for your work through English Prizes 2013, open to all majors February 25, 2013Entries are being accepted for the Department of English’s annual prize competitions, which are open to students of...Student Life·