Case Western Reserve goes ‘All In’ with second annual Day of Giving

Day of GivingThis time, the experiment has become a tradition.

A year ago annual fund leaders decided to try the idea of 24-hour campaign to inspire concentrated giving among university alumni and friends.

The first annual “Day of Giving” proved so successful that the event makes its second outing tomorrow—and they’ve nearly doubled the goal for participation. This year organizers are aiming for 1,234 donors—quite a jump from the 618 sought on June 18, 2013, the 18th day of the year’s sixth month.

Leaders insist the new target is eminently achievable. For one thing, the Day of Giving’s first outing actually drew 795 individuals—nearly 30 percent higher than hoped. For another, 2013’s effort concentrated on undergraduate alumni, and this time graduates from every school and college have been included in all outreach.

“It’s a lofty goal, and we know that,” said John Templeman, director of annual giving. “But last year, we thought 618 gifts was a stretch—and the university community showed us we clearly were wrong.”

From 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, June 17), everyone who embraces the university’s efforts to increase knowledge and enhance understanding are asked to consider making a gift. Donors can target their support, whether to a particular program, school or overall financial assistance for students.

Social media is an essential part of the Day of Giving. As such, a number of incentives will be offered through the Day of Giving Facebook event. Some will be targeted to alumni, while others, such as limited memberships to 121 Fitness or passes to the upcoming Town Hall of Cleveland Speaker Series (kicking off with Gloria Steinem), are aimed toward faculty, staff and Cleveland-area alums.

Incentives will be announced regularly through the Facebook event, so those interested are encouraged to join the event to stay up to date.

How to Give
Gifts can be made:

  • online on the Day of Giving page,
  • byphone at 216.368.5288 or 800.304.4483, or
  • by text: Text “IWANTIN Your Name $Amount Designation” to 313131 (for example: IWANTIN Joe Alumni $100 CAS)

Those interested can follow the Day of Giving Facebook event, through the hashtag #cwruallin (on Facebook and Twitter) or on the Day of Giving webpage,