C-SPAN Campaign Bus to make a stop at CWRU

The C-SPAN “Campaign 2012 Bus,” which is on a promotional and educational tour of college campuses across the country, is scheduled to stop at Case Western Reserve University Tuesday, Oct. 2. The C-SPAN bus will be parked at the Kelvin Smith Library oval from 9:30 to 11 a.m.

Faculty, staff, students and the public are invited to step inside to see the 45-foot-long studio on wheels and touch-screen multimedia technology. Visitors can view historic political events, watch coverage of elected officials and keep track of high-profile campaigns.

The bus also introduces viewers to the cable network’s extensive video library—an archive of 160,000 hours of programming since 1987.

The bus is scheduled to stop at several other Ohio universities, including: Akron, Ohio Northern, Xavier, Wright State, Cincinnati and Ohio State.

For more information about the C-SPAN bus: www.cspan.org/bus.