Case Western Reserve No. 24 for number of patents granted among U.S. universities September 12, 2023Ranking by National Academy of Inventors, Intellectual Property Owners Association Case Western Reserve University ranks No. 24 nationally...Research·
Better coaching to promote a person’s growth August 15, 2023New research suggests more effective approach—for managers, therapists, teachers and parents What if there was a more effective...Featured·
Case Western Reserve University’s Sears think[box] opens ‘Community Floor’ August 8, 2023First-floor grand opening marks formal completion of seven-story, 50,000-square-foot creative and entrepreneurial space for university and expanding community...FeaturedUniversity News·
Case Western Reserve-based medical research collaborative awarded $56.3M federal grant to improve region’s health August 7, 2023Renamed Clinical and Translational Science Collaborative of Northern Ohio to reflect even broader reach with addition of two...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
New study finds U.S. military veterans living in discriminatory ‘redlined’ areas suffered higher rates of cardiovascular disease July 24, 2023U.S. military veterans who lived in what were once known as “redlined” areas had a higher risk for...FeaturedHealth & WellnessResearch·
Case Western Reserve University recognized as 2023 Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner of the Year June 28, 2023Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) today announced it has won the 2023 Microsoft Mixed Reality Partner of the...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Case Western Reserve University and UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital awarded NIH funding for neonatal care research June 9, 2023Case Western Reserve University and UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital (UH Rainbow) were selected by the Eunice Kennedy...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Newly discovered RNA molecules hold promise for detecting and treating esophageal cancer May 24, 2023Irregularities in the body’s genetic coding to make proteins are linked to cancerous tumors. But most genetic material...FeaturedHealth & WellnessResearch·
Case Western Reserve, MetroHealth researchers use AI to improve access to clinics for minorities May 8, 2023Using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict the probability of missed appointments in a busy clinic—followed up with personal...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·
Local collaborative awarded Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant to study effectiveness of its healthy foods program for low-income pregnant women May 3, 2023Food insecurity—the lack of steady access to nutritionally adequate food—during pregnancy is linked to premature births and poorer...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·