Discover the history of Cleveland’s own Sherlock at Dittrick Museum’s final Conversations series event July 22, 2016The Dittrick Medical History Center & Museum will conclude its inaugural Conversations series next month with a discussion...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Political science’s Kathryn Lavelle discussed early events at the Republican National Convention July 21, 2016The Sound of Ideas ideastream: Kathryn Lavelle, the Ellen and Dixon Long Professor of World Affairs, discussed early...Media·
Weatherhead School’s Mark Sniderman explains how growing technology sector helped Cleveland’s economy July 21, 2016Here’s why Donald Trump’s motto may not resonate with Cleveland’s economy CNBC: Mark Sniderman, executive in residence and...Media·
Women in science and engineering: Join WISER July 21, 2016All women who are majoring in or planning a career in science, engineering, technology, mathematics or medicine, are...Student Life·
Learn more about the Tuition Waiver Program July 21, 2016Case Western Reserve University employees and their spouses and dependent children can continue their education at the university...Faculty & Staff·
Student Information System to be unavailable this weekend July 21, 2016The Student Information System (SIS) will undergo scheduled maintenance this weekend. During maintenance, users will not be able...Campus Updates·
CWRU physicists deploy magnetic vortex to control electron spin July 21, 2016Potential technology for quantum computing, keener sensors Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have developed a way to...FeaturedScience & Tech·
History’s John Grabowski discusses Cleveland’s political history July 20, 2016History: Cleveland and its role in presidential politics WKYC: John Grabowski, the Krieger-Mueller Joint Professor in History, discussed...Media·
Political science’s Justin Buchler weighs in on Melania Trump’s alleged plagiarism July 20, 2016Professors say Melania’s speech would count as plagiarism USA Today: Justin Buchler, associate professor of political science, explained...Media·
Researchers design targeted therapy for genetic disorder that damages hearing and vision July 20, 2016An international team led by researchers at Case Western Reserve’s School of Medicine has designed a targeted therapy...FeaturedHealth & Wellness·