Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? selected for CWRU summer reading
Incoming students to Case Western Reserve University will learn about responding to difficult and complex questions when they...
Scratch That
Self-healing coating knits back together when exposed to light. The days of living in fear of wayward shopping...
Cost Control
Can capping malpractice awards really rein in health care costs? Not so fast tort-reform fans-according to a legal...
Start Your Engines
Economics professor embarks on auto industry study. The recent recession and global competition has taken a toll on...
Timothy Beal on the pop culture construction of bin Laden
Timothy Beal, Florence Harkness Professor of Religion, writes about the popular culture construction of bin Laden: There’s No...
When Words Get Hot, Mental Multitaskers Collect Cool
How useful would it be to anticipate how well someone will control their emotions? To predict how well...
University Conducts Benefits Survey; Participants Can Win an iPod Touch
As part of efforts to control costs and also enhance employee wellness, the Office of Human Resources today...
CWRU Women Honored at Northeast Ohio Awards Ceremony
YWCA Greater Cleveland honored three women from Case Western Reserve University and two with secondary appointments at the...
Smarter Treatment for Killer Infections
Sepsis is a major killer in hospital intensive care units. Researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of...