Physics graduate student earns fellowship to conduct work in France June 20, 2011Physics graduate student Joel Pendery received a Chateaubriand Fellowship from the French government to work with Emmanuelle Lacaze...Awards·
121 kicks off “Get Fit for Life” program, waives 50 percent of program cost June 20, 2011The summer session of 121 Fitness’ “Get Fit for Life” program starts June 27. The eight-week program is...Faculty & Staff·
Mediterranean theme, blues music hit this week’s summer BBQ June 20, 2011The summer barbecue season continues Wednesday, June 22, with a Mediterranean theme and music by Cleveland blues artist...Campus UpdatesEvents·
Medical student travels to Auschwitz, Berlin and more to study ethics June 20, 2011As a rising fourth-year medical student at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, Yeu-Shin Cindy “CJ” Chang has...University News·
Landscape designers gather in Cleveland, visit Northeast Ohio gardens June 17, 2011The Plain Dealer: A speaker at a landscape design conference mentions Case Western Reserve University chefs’ use of...Media·
This week’s poll results are in; find out where members of the CWRU community are headed this summer June 17, 2011Most of you are staying put this summer, according to this week’s poll results. Almost half of those...Campus Updates·
Greek Life donates more than 12,000 hours of service to community June 17, 2011Numbers from the Case Western Reserve University Greek community’s 365 Days of Service Campaign have been tallied, and...University News·
Stata 11 statistical software available in Software Center June 16, 2011The Software Center has added Stata 11 statistical software for Case Western Reserve University students, faculty and staff...Campus Updates·
The growing culprit behind liver disease June 16, 2011CNN: About a third of the U.S. population has nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which could lead to serious...Media·
Report: Electric vehicles to have no immediate impact on lube industry June 16, 2011National Oil & Lube News: A team of Weatherhead School of Management graduate students, in conjunction with the...Media·