Medicine’s Mahboob Rahman notes that research shows lower is better when it comes to blood pressure June 10, 20215 reasons to get your blood pressure checked now AARP: Mahboob Rahman, professor at the School of Medicine,...Media·
Medicine’s Marlene Miller leads programs aimed at providing support for women battling addiction June 10, 2021Cuyahoga County using opioid settlement money to help women battle addiction ideastream: Marlene Miller, a clinical professor at...Media·
Mandel School’s Debbie Wilber discusses a $35 million grant to transform an east side neighborhood June 9, 2021HUD awards Cleveland and CMHA $35 million grant to transform east side neighborhoods WOIO: Debbie Wilber, assistant director...Media·
Law’s Sharona Hoffman covers the reasons why there are COVID-19 vaccine hesitations June 9, 2021How much does the COVID vaccine cost? It’s free. Really. WEWS: Sharona Hoffman, the Edgar A. Hahn Professor...Media·
Weatherhead School’s Jonathan Ernest says the economics associated with the Cleveland Indians’ name charge are relatively unprecedented June 9, 2021Experts weigh in on the Cleveland Indians’ name change and why the process seems so arduous Jonathan...Media·
Medicine’s Jonathan Karn says that masks provide a safety net for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people June 9, 2021Face mask requirements aim to protect unvaccinated people Agence France-Presse: Jonathan Karn, chair of the Department of Molecular...Media·
Law’s Joan Burda describes the legal representation process to fight denied life insurance claim June 8, 2021Life insurance claim denied? Hiring a lawyer might help Money Magazine: Joan Burda, adjunct professor of law, said...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Entin weighs in on an Ohio Senate proposal that provides incentives for some who worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic June 8, 2021Ohio Senate proposing incentives for some who worked from home during COVID-19 pandemic WKYC: Jonathan Entin, the David...Media·
Weatherhead School’s Michael Goldberg notes that many rideshare drivers changed careers after COVID-19 hit June 8, 2021Rideshare driver shortage causing longer waits, higher fares WKYC: Michael Goldberg, executive director of the Veale Institute for...Media·
Law’s Sharona Hoffman shares the role local governments have in enforcing vaccine requirements June 8, 2021Vaccine hesitancy in law enforcement puts public at risk KMGH: Sharona Hoffman, the Edgar A. Hahn Professor of...Media·