Law School’s Jonathan Adler weighs in on lawsuits filed in defense of Affordable Care Act March 29, 2019Trump administration’s move to gut Obamacare raises risks for 2020 Bloomberg: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor...Media·
Law School’s Carmen Naso discusses how confirmation bias leads to wrongful convictions March 29, 2019Plea deals are Catch-22 for those who claim wrongful conviction USA Today: Carmen Naso, senior instructor of law,...Media·
President Barbara R. Snyder visits Makerere University to celebrate collaborate March 29, 2019Mak strengthens ties with Case Western Reserve University Makerere University News: President Barbara R. Snyder visited Makerere University...Media·
Health Education Campus highlighted for innovative approach to education March 29, 20195 ways Cleveland Clinic, Case Western Reserve University’s new campus will change medical education With the new...Media·
Law School’s Jonathan Adler comments on appointment of Court of Appeals judge March 29, 2019How Trump’s new rule-slashing judge could sway green issues E&E News: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor...Media·
Planned Giving’s Charles M. Miller shares examples of creative philanthropy March 29, 2019Let creativity flow with planned gift vehicles Cleveland Jewish News: Charles M. Miller, senior director of planned giving,...Media·
CWRU Human Trafficking Program awarded $425,000 to expand research March 29, 2019Cleveland Human Trafficking Clinic gets $425,000 from state Patch: Led by School of Law lecturers Melanie GiaMaria and...Media·
Weatherhead School’s Ronald Fry describes how leaders create positive change March 29, 2019Do your questions spark positive change? Podcast with Professor Ronald Fry Making Positive Psychology Work: Ronald Fry, professor...Media·
Religious studies’ Peter Haas speaks about perception of Israeli Prime Minister March 29, 2019What could a Netanyahu indictment mean? Cleveland Jewish News: Peter Haas, the Abba Hillel Silver Professor Emeritus of...Media·
Religious studies’ Jay Geller describes research into German Jewish history March 29, 20191869, Ep. 64 with Jay Geller, author of The Scholems Cornell Press: On a podcast, Jay Geller, the...Media·