Weatherhead’s Jonathan Ernest comments on competitive rates of short-term certificates of deposit October 24, 2024Should you open a short-term CD now? What experts sayCBS News: Jonathan Ernest, assistant professor of economics at Weatherhead...Media·
Law’s Jessie Hill explains future role state Supreme court will play in abortion access October 22, 2024State Supreme Court races will determine abortion access in several statesMs. Magazine: Jessie Hill, the Judge Ben C. Green...Media·
Law’s Atiba Ellis criticizes Ohio Supreme Court ruling upholding GOP restrictions on ballot drop boxes October 22, 2024Ohio Supreme Court allows for GOP-made drop box restrictions for voters with disabilitiesWCPO: Atiba Ellis, the Laura B. Chisholm...Media·
Astronomy’s Chris Mihos talks about the Hunter’s Moon October 22, 2024Why the Hunter’s Moon should be on your family calendarParents Magazine: Chris Mihos, the Worcester R. and Cornelia B....Media·
Law’s Eric Chaffee critiques management of Ohio’s State Teachers Retirement System (STRS October 21, 2024Ohio teachers’ pension fund board has shakeup ahead of controversial voteWCPO: Eric Chaffee, professor and the Peter M. Gerhart...Media·
Med’s Heidi Moawad says introduction of over-the-counter hearing aids helps the 15% of U.S. adults that are affected by hearing loss October 21, 2024Jabra Hearing Aids review 2024: tested and expert-reviewedFortune Magazine: Heidi Moawad, clinical assistant professor at the School of Medicine,...Media·
Mandel’s Robert Fischer emphasizes long-term impacts of lead poisoning on children October 21, 20241,500 kids in Cleveland are being poisoned a year, some in ‘lead safe’ homesWEWS: Robert Fischer, the Grace Longwell...Media·
University President Eric W. Kaler and associate vice president of local government and community relations, Julian Rogers, discuss new Wade Park Community Engagement Center October 21, 2024Case Western Reserve opens $2.3M Wade Park Community Center in restored historic homeCrain’s Cleveland Business (subscription required): University President Eric...Media·
History’s John Bickers explains Native Americans’ cultural connection with the land October 21, 2024New American Library Association head stands against increased calls for book banningideastream: John Bickers, the Jesse Hauk Shera Assistant...Media·
Law’s Jessie Hill talks about Supreme Court’s rejection of Texas abortion case October 21, 2024Inside the mystery of why the Supreme Court declined to hear a pressing abortion caseTalking Points Memo: Jessie Hill,...Media·