Law’s Sharona Hoffman discusses the claim that a mask mandate is a war crime March 21, 2022Fact check: False claim that Nuremberg Code prohibits mask mandates USA Today: Sharona Hoffman, the Edgar A. Hahn...Media·
Law’s Anat Alon-Beck discusses the importance of diversity at the board level March 21, 2022State Street calls for more women on boards ETF: Anat Alon-Beck, assistant professor of law, argued that asset...Media·
Medicine’s Mark Cameron discusses the increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths March 21, 2022Daily US death toll from COVID now matches Delta BBC News: Mark Cameron, associate professor at the School...Media·
Law’s Sharona Hoffman discusses the Supreme Court blockage of vaccine mandate March 21, 2022Case Western Reserve professor weighs in after Supreme Court blocks vaccine mandate for large businesses WEWS: Sharona Hoffman,...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Adler discusses the environmental case West Virginia v. EPA March 21, 2022Congress’ climate inaction puts spotlight on the courts E&E News: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of...Media·
Planning, design and construction’s Christopher Panichi discusses the Maltz Performing Arts Center March 21, 2022Staging a grand finale Properties Magazine: Phase II of the Maltz Performing Arts Center took a bow in...Media·
CWRU Faculty Daniel Goldmark and Adrianne Fletcher discuss 2022’s Humanities Festival March 18, 2022Humanities Festival at Case Western Reserve University examines how ‘Discourse’ has changed WCPN: Daniel Goldmark, professor of music...Media·
Law’s Anat Alon-Beck discusses diversity in senior corporate leadership March 18, 2022Anat-Alon Beck and Darren Rosenblum on the Duty to Diversify Business Scholarship: Anat Alon-Beck, assistant professor of law,...Media·
Law’s Sharona Hoffman discusses choosing, paying for senior care March 18, 2022How to Choose and Pay For Senior Care MoneyGeek: Sharona Hoffman, the Edgar A. Hahn Professor of Law...Media·
Law’s Steve Stransky discusses the dangers of AI webcams March 18, 2022Your webcam may get a whole lot smarter Lifewire: Steve Stransky, adjunct professor of law, said that AI...Media·