Medicine’s Marsha Michie discusses the lack of data on how medication affects pregnancies April 7, 2022The program meant to help pregnant people safely find prescriptions to take has stalled Fortune (subscription required): Marsha...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Entin discusses the requirement for landlord to certify their properties as lead-safe April 7, 2022Cleveland Housing Court judge’s requirement that landlords attest to lead-free status brings legal challenges, praise (subscription required):...Media·
Law’s Sharona Hoffman discusses the CDC’s move to offer blank vaccine cards for download April 7, 2022CDC website offers blank vaccine cards for download, despite fraud worries Grid: Sharona Hoffman, the Edgar A. Hahn...Media·
ISSACS’ Joe Jankowski and Nick Barendt predict what new tech looks like in 2022 April 7, 2022Predictions for 2022: Tech leaders expect changes to remote work, telehealth and more Crain’s Cleveland Business (subscription required):...Media·
Law’s Michael Benza discussed a man arrested for cursing at the police April 7, 2022Appeals court says Ohio fairgoer shouldn’t have been arrested in case involving vulgar speech toward police (subscription...Media·
Weatherhead’s Michael Goldberg discusses inflation rates April 7, 2022With inflation surging to historic levels, small businesses grapple with difficult decisions WEWS: Michael Goldberg, associate professor of...Media·
Medicine’s Rong Xu discusses study of Omicron vs Delta in young children April 7, 2022Omicron increased risk for COVID-19 infection among children under 5, study finds United Press International: Rong Xu, professor...Media·
Law’s Jonathan Adler and Cassandra Burke Robertson discuss changing conservative ideological April 7, 2022Why do smart Republicans say stupid things? Washington Post: Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law,...Media·
Law’s Steven Stransky discusses cyber security requirements under new reporting law April 7, 2022Preparing for new mandatory cyber reporting rules Law360 (subscription required): Steven Stransky, adjunct professor of law, discussed a...Media·
Law’s Sharona Hoffman discusses lawsuit over vaccine mandate in Akron Children’s Hospital April 7, 2022Class-action lawsuit filed against Akron Children’s Hospital over vaccine mandate firings WEWS: Sharona Hoffman, the Edgar A. Hahn...Media·