Attend the 41st annual Ebony Ball Dec. 6; get tickets now

Students are invited to attend the 41st Ebony Ball, the African American Society’s most prestigious event.

The ball, themed “Invest in What’s Next,” will be held Saturday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the Civic Conference and Events Center (3130 Mayfield Road, Cleveland Heights). Transportation will be provided

Ebony Ball gives students a chance to unite and enjoy an elegant dinner with friends and the rest of the Case Western Reserve University community.

The evening is kicked off by a jazz band and followed by an evening of programming, including a keynote speech by Rachel Taulton and a special performance by the African Student Association.

Ebony Ball is a longstanding tradition at CWRU serving to unite campus and highlight and celebrate aspects of African American culture.

Tickets are available at Tickets for Case Western Reserve University undergraduate students are free and graduate students are $10. Tickets for undergraduate students from other institutions are $5, while all others are $15.

The event is co-sponsored by the Office of Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity; Office of Multicultural Affairs; Center for Civic Engagement and Learning; Flora Stone Mather Center for Women; President’s Advisory Council for Minorities; University Program Board; Weatherhead School of Management; Residence Hall Association; and Undergraduate Student Government.