Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to participate in a weeklong international service immersion experience through the Center for Civic Engagement & Learning’s Alternative May Break to Nicaragua program.
Participants will travel to a rural, coastal Nicaraguan town to engage in infrastructure and education projects with local community members. The program will provide students with an immersion experience that will allow them to better understand Nicaraguan culture and history, while unpacking the ethics behind international “voluntourism.”
The trip will be held May 12-19. The fee is $1,460, which includes international airfare, in-country transportation, lodging, entertainment and most meals.
Applications are available on the Education Abroad website and will be accepted on a rolling basis through Wednesday, Feb. 1, or until the trip is filled.
Learn more about the opportunity at an information session Friday, Dec. 9, from 4:45 to 5:30 p.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center, Suite 165.
This information session will fulfill the required meeting for the break application.
RSVP to aag72@case.edu if you plan to attend.