What does social media tell us about what it means to be human? What are the consequences of social media for democratic life? This spring, the Philosophy Department is offering a new three-credit course on the Philosophy of Social Media and Technology (PHIL 315-101). The course asks what we can learn about the internet and our digital devices from the history of the philosophy of technology. The course is designed and led by Tibor Solymosi, PhD, Visiting Instructor of Philosophy, co-editor of two anthologies on pragmatism and neurophilosophy and author of two dozen articles on philosophy of technology and related issues. In the course, which has no prerequisites and counts as a SAGES department seminar, students will learn the history of the philosophy of technology, from Plato and Heidegger to Dewey and McLuhan. The class meets TTH at 10-11:15 in Mather House 107. Contact tibor.solymosi@case.edu for more information.
Learn more at philosophy.case.edu/lecturer-for-spring-2018/