The Prevention Research Center for Healthy Neighborhoods (PRCHN) and its partners will host a morning symposium Wednesday, May 31, to explore equity, environmental influence, current interventions and policy implications for tobacco control in Greater Cleveland. May 31 is World No Tobacco Day as declared by the World Health Organization.
The Tobacco Research Symposium will explore the prevalence of tobacco in Northeast Ohio, in particular the epidemiology of little cigar and cigarillo use, nicotine addiction around little cigars/cigarillos and environmental factors that affect an individual’s choice to smoke. PRCHN faculty and partners also will highlight some strategies for change, such as initiatives to support tobacco change, clinical and community linkages, and Breathe Free, a demonstration grant through the Ohio Department of Health that promotes tobacco cessation by making cessation resources more accessible and helping individuals and neighborhoods change the cultural conversation around tobacco use in their homes and community.
Bringing together the full breadth and depth of the PRCHN’s tobacco-related research advances the conversation around understanding how individuals, especially youth, become tobacco users and poses strategies for cessation.
The event will begin at 8 a.m. with registration and a light breakfast. The program will be from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center ballroom.
Scheduled presentations include:
- “State of Tobacco in Cleveland and Cuyahoga County”
- “Tipped, Untipped, Filtered, Flavored: Not Your Grandfather’s Cigar”
- “Understanding and Measuring Nicotine Dependence among Cigarillo Users”
- “Retail Exposure to Tobacco Advertising and Sales”
- “Worksite Wellness Initiatives to Support Tobacco Change: Unintended Consequences”
- “Implementing an Evidence-based Strategy in Primary Care: Ask-Advise-Connect and eReferral”
- “Breathe Free: We Share Air”
This is a free event but online pre-registration is requested.