Writing Week, sponsored by the English department and the Center for the Study of Writing, will be held on campus April 16-20 with a variety of events.
Writing Week celebrates the spectrum of writing across the university, from academic prose to poetry, journalism, scientific writing and more.
One of the main events will be the Celebration of Student Writing, to be held April 20 from noon to 2:45 p.m. in Adelbert Gym. The Celebration of Student Writing is a universitywide showcase of student writing projects that encourages students to present and display their research and writing in formats other than word-processed letters and lines on the printed page.
In addition, the Edward S. & Melinda Melton Sadar Lecture in Writing in the Disciplines also will be held April 20, beginning at 4:30 p.m. in Clark Hall 309. During the lecture, Daniel M. Gross, associate professor of English and director of composition at University of California–Irvine, will present “Mixed Feelings, or What Happens When Scientists Read Sense and Sensibility?” A reception will follow in Clark Hall 206.
Finally, save the date for May 1, when the Writing Program Awards Ceremony will be held in Guilford Parlor from 3 to 5 p.m.
For a full schedule of events, visit case.edu/writingweek/WW2012/schedule.html.