Fear 2 Freedom (F2F), a global nonprofit dedicated to help those affected by sexual assault, will visit Case Western Reserve University tonight (Monday, March 2) from 6 to 7:15 p.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center ballroom B and C, for its annual “Celebration Night.”
At this event, Fear 2 Freedom will seek to empower students to “Be the Change” and “Restore the Joy” by showing compassion to victims of sexual assault through the assembly of F2F Kits.
Students will have the opportunity to hear a message from Rosemary Trible, founder and president of Fear 2 Freedom and a forensic nurse. They can also help to assemble 225 F2F Kits for the community.
The event is sponsored by Undergraduate Student Government, Residence Hall Association, Greek Life and the University Program Board.
For more information, contact Katie Rose at kar100@case.edu or Bree Bever at bree@fear2freedom.org.