A reminder on CWRU’s rules and procedures for Freedom of Expression Policy

Case Western Reserve University is committed to the free exchange of ideas on campus while also ensuring equal access to resources and facilities, continuing operations of the university and the safety of our entire community.

Over the summer, officials developed—and then updated—procedures and rules for the university’s Freedom of Expression Policy that outline the guidelines for reasonable time, place and manner, as well as how to gain approval for large gatherings. Student, faculty and staff leaders have reviewed and provided feedback on the procedures and rules and will continue to advise. The Faculty Senate will review the procedures and rules beginning this semester.

In a message to the campus on Aug. 28, President Eric W. Kaler and Provost Joy K. Ward outlined key points of the updated procedures and rules, which include:

  • A large demonstration (rally, protest, picket, vigil, etc.) with more than 20 participants requires written pre-approval from the Freedom of Expression Policy Committee. (To request time for a demonstration, an event organizer must submit this form at least three days prior to the proposed date—a change from seven days.)
    • “Small demonstrations” (i.e., those with 20 or fewer participants and lasting less than two hours) do not require pre-approval.
    • Academic programs, courses and lectures are not affected.
  • Large demonstrations may last up to five hours and are permitted at Kelvin Smith Library Oval, Freiberger Field, Van Horn Field or Case Quad adjacent to Adelbert Hall.
  • Demonstrations of any size are permitted only from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
    • There is a limited exception for small demonstrations that are vigils, which may be held from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • University faculty, staff, students, postdocs and recognized university groups must be in good standing to request a large demonstration and to participate in a demonstration of any size.
  • Demonstrations may not be held inside any campus building or facility or obstruct any buildings or walkways.
  • Tents or other structures, bonfires or other open flames, fireworks or other explosives, display or use of weapons, the projection of lights, images or videos onto any building or structure, and microphone systems or bullhorns are not permitted.

Please review the procedures and rules and, if you’re planning a large demonstration, await formal written approval before conducting the event.