Photo illustration of a robot's to show the concept of an AI chatbot

Pilot of Spartan Answers chatbot goes live on My CWRU

Case Western Reserve University’s commitment to enhancing student services continues to grow with the launch of Spartan Answers, a new chatbot being piloted on My CWRU. Powered by Microsoft Copilot, this AI-driven chatbot is designed to serve as a “front door” for students—providing on-demand, easy-to-use access to university information. By pulling content from across websites, Spartan Answers aims to deliver quick responses to users’ queries, complete with footnotes linking back to the original sources for verification.

Spartan Answers is a partnership between the Office of the Provost and University Technology ([U]Tech), aimed at improving student services and streamlining access to information. As universities across the country embrace chatbot technology, these tools have proven to increase engagement, improve communication, and drive student success. 

“Initiatives like Spartan Answers are crucial for enhancing the student experience and reflect our strategic commitment to improving customer service, particularly for our students,” said Provost and Executive Vice President Joy K. Ward. “This new tool not only streamlines access to information but also embodies my goal of promoting innovative solutions that make a meaningful impact on our campus.”

Chief Information Officer and VP for [U]Tech Miro Humer, who worked with Provost Ward and their teams on this project, echoed this sentiment, highlighting the role of AI in advancing university operations. “Spartan Answers represents a significant step forward in our commitment to leveraging technology to enhance the educational experience,” Humer said. “By integrating AI-driven solutions such as this chatbot, we’re not only improving access to vital information but also fostering a culture of innovation that empowers our students and community alike.”

Members of the CWRU community are encouraged to explore Spartan Answers over the coming weeks. WhileSpartan Answers has been tested thoroughly, users can offer feedback, which will be directed to the appropriate website owners for review and updates. This feedback loop not only ensures accuracy but also helps improve the system—and the accuracy of CWRU’s websites—over time.

“User feedback is critical to improve the experience and ensures that Spartan Answers, as well as future bots under development, continue to improve accuracy while providing efficient and personalized support,” said Tron Compton-Engle, [U]Tech’s senior director of client experience, who spearheaded the effort.

Spartan Answers is one of many educational and administrative AI applications being explored on campus. The university is piloting its use and analyzing appropriate audience usage before determining further chatbot implementations.

Spartan Answers is only as strong as the web content from which the responses pull—which means having accurate, up-to-date websites is critical. For those managing websites on the university’s Drupal content management system, the University Marketing and Communications web team offers 15-minute drop-in sessions for trained users seeking assistance. You can also email or submit a Service Desk ticket at for any urgent needs or questions.