“How Stories Reveal Ethical Conundrums of Aging”

Members of the Case Western Reserve University community are invited to join the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences and the School of Medicine’s Department of Bioethics for a discussion with MT Connolly, author of The Measure of Our Age.

This talk, titled “How Stories Reveal Ethical Conundrums of Aging,” will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Thwing Center ballroom.

Connolly is a national expert on elder justice who was awarded a MacArthur “genius” grant for her work, which has shaped policy, research and practice for decades. She was the architect of the federal Elder Justice Act and co-designed the person-centered restorative RISE model. Her book, The Measure of Our Age: Navigating Care, Safety, Money, and Meaning Later in Life, examines how we balance autonomy, safety and other ethical issues of aging.

Register for this free event.

Light refreshments will be served, and book copies will be available for purchase.

Continuing education credits are available for nurses and social workers (applications pending).

Members of the broader community are welcome to attend.