Explore military ethics, dehumanizing the enemy at Friday’s Public Affairs Discussion Group

Anthony Jack CWRU Shannon FrenchDuring this Friday’s Public Affairs Discussion Group, faculty members Anthony Jack and Shannon E. French will explore the application of their work on the field of military ethics and the issue of what occurs when enemies are dehumanized.

Jack, assistant professor of cognitive science, philosophy and psychology, uses fMRI imaging to study attention, consciousness and social processing in the brain. French, associate professor of philosophy and Inamori Professor of Ethics, has done extensive research on the subject of military ethics.

The discussion will take place Friday, April 5, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence, located in the basement of Crawford Hall. Jimmy John’s sandwiches will be provided.

Since 1989, faculty, emeriti, students and staff have gathered on Fridays for a brown-bag lunch and to discuss topics in public affairs.

For updates and more information about the Friday lunch schedule, visit fridaylunch.case.edu.