Summer course explores manga readings

Do you want to brush up on Japanese skills before taking the third or fourth year of Japanese? And do you love reading manga? Yes, we are going to enhance your reading skills as well as other skills in Japanese with the use of manga through remote-synchronous meetings! The emphasis of this course will be acquiring the skills necessary to enjoy reading Japanese manga without translation. Students will review and learn Japanese structures and expressions, and have the opportunity to explore colloquialisms, speech styles, onomatopoeia, contractions, interjections, other elements of speech, and more. The classes will primarily be conducted in Japanese. The course prerequisite is JAPN202 or equivalent.

Readings in Manga
Japanese 306
Date & Time: 6/5 – 7/11 (M, T, W & Th. 9:00am – 11:15am
Place: Online
Instructor: Yukiko N. Onitsuka

Any questions, email one of the instructors listed above. We are all happy to answer your questions.
We are looking forward to meeting you and studying with you this summer!