Disney Animation: Immersive Experience is an innovative celebration that takes you inside the greatest films of Walt Disney Animation Studios, from their very earliest, groundbreaking features to the beloved hit movies of today. Imagine stepping into the Casita with Mirabel from Encanto, being at Pride Rock as Rafiki presents Simba – surrounded by the animal kingdom as the sun rises. Imagine hopping on a train with Judy Hopps and going into Zootopia or taking a magic carpet ride with Aladdin and Jasmine, and so much more….Now you can! Step into the art and legacy of Walt Disney Animation Studios and celebrate the music, artistry and animation from the creators of Frozen, The Little Mermaid, Big Hero 6 and many more. We would love to share an exclusive ticket offer with the Case Western Reserve University community. Please find your exclusive offer here where you will be able to choose the number of tickets as well as the date and time of your visit. This experience last approximately 1 hour so it is recommended to arrive approximately 15 minutes before your scheduled time.
Lighthouse Immersive is located at 850 East 72nd Street, Cleveland.