As the holidays roll around, Kids Against Hunger looks forward to supporting the Greater Cleveland Food Bank through physical and monetary donations by hosting a canned food drive from Monday, Nov. 14, to Monday, Nov. 21. Case Western Reserve University students and faculty are welcome to donate physical items to collection bins around campus and/or contribute financially.
Currently, the types of food donations we are looking to support the food bank include:
- Canned/dried beans,
- Hot/cold cereals,
- Peanut butter,
- Canned protein,
- Canned/boxed entrees,
- Whole grain rice/ pasta,
- Low sodium pasta sauce,
- Canned fruits/vegetables, and
- 100% juice.
Collection bins will be located:
- Outside the Student Activities and Leadership office in the Tinkham Veale University Center
- Wood Building Student Lounge (WG-67)
- Bioenterprise Building (4th Floor Entry Table)
- Service Building (Environmental Health and Safety entry table)
- Robbins Building (Room E204)
- Wolstein Research Building (Suite 2520)
To contribute financially, please Venmo @RitiMital with your desired amount and the designation of “KAH Food Drive”.
For more information, please visit the CampusGroups page.