The Department of Sociology will host Beth Richie, distinguished professor of Black studies and head of the Department of Criminology, Law and Justice at the University of Illinois at Chicago, for a presentation Friday, April 8, from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The event will take place in room 115 of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Community Studies Center, located at 11402 Bellflower Rd.
Richie’s work focuses on how race/ethnicity and social position affect women’s experience with violence and incarceration. At this event, she will present a discussion titled “Anti-Violence Scholarship and Racial Justice Activism: Reflections on Abolition Feminism.”
Earlier this year, Richie co-authored Abolition. Feminism. Now. She also published two books, Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence and America’s Prison Nation and Compelled to Crime: the Gender Entrapment of Black Battered Women, is an editor of The Long Term: Resisting Life Sentences, Working Towards Freedom, and wrote numerous articles about Black feminism and gender violence, race and criminal justice policy, and the social dynamics of sexuality, prison abolition, and grassroots organizations in African American Communities.
In addition to advising the NFL’s gender violence prevention program, Richie was a founding member of The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African Community, The National Network for Women in Prison, and INCITE!: Women of Color Against Violence.
For more information, contact Michelle Corcoran or Lisa Havemann.