Hanna Lecture—“The Impact of Cell: What Next?”

Hanna Lecture—“The Impact of Cell: What Next?” FebruaryFeb 09 2022 04:00pm - 05:00pm

Join the School of Medicine’s Department of Pathology for the Hanna Lecture, delivered by Benjamin Lewin, today (Feb. 9) from 4 to 5 p.m. via Zoom. Lewin will present “The Impact of Cell: What Next ?”

After a career in molecular biology, Lewin founded the journal Cell and was the editor from 1974 to 1999. He also established Cell Press, which published other journals as well as Cell. He wrote the textbook GENES, now in its 12th edition, and has recently written many books and guides on wine. His forthcoming book is The DNA of Science. Lewin also has been a central force in the development of contemporary biomedical science.

To get the Zoom link, email Alan Tartakoff amt10@case.edu.

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