Over-the-counter (OTC) COVID-19 test kits for personal use are covered by the university’s health plans. Employees covered under the Supermed PPO and High Deductible Health plans can use their MedImpact ID to purchase test kits at MedImpact in-network pharmacies.
Test kits must be purchased, like prescription medication, at the pharmacy counter to take advantage of the direct electronic adjudication process. Presenting your MedImpact ID card will enable you to receive kits at no cost. If you purchase a kit and pay at the register, use the MedImpact OTC Drug Claim form to receive reimbursement. Complete the demographic information on Part 1. In the Indicate Reason section, check “Pharmacy unable to process claim electronically” and on the line for “Describe Emergency” write “OTC Covid Test.” Attach the receipt for the COVID test(s) and mail to the address on the first page of the form.
Kits purchased at sites that are not part of the MedImpact network will be reimbursed at a maximum of $12 per kit.