A Conversation with Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter and Macalester College President Suzanne Rivera: “Strengthening the State of our Union”

A Conversation with Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter and Macalester College President Suzanne Rivera: “Strengthening the State of our Union” MayMay 21 2021 12:00pm - 01:00pm

The Office of the Provost will host the fifth installment of the North Star Seminar Series Friday, May 21, at noon. Featuring Saint Paul, Minnesota, Mayor Melvin Carter and Macalester College President Suzanne Rivera, this discussion will be titled “Strengthening the State of our Union.”

In their conversation, the pair will focus on lessons for restoring and reframing civic dialogue in the aftermath of racial shock in Minnesota.

Case Western Reserve University Provost and Executive Vice President Ben Vinson III and Shannon E. French, the Inamori Professor in Ethics, will moderate this discussion. Robert L. Solomon, vice president of the Office for Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, will provide a welcome.

This event is generously supported by Cuyahoga County Public Library and Case Western Reserve University’s Office for Inclusion, Diversity and Equal Opportunity and Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence.

Register to attend.

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