“Improving Child Health: Medical, Legal, Environmental & Educational Partnerships”

“Improving Child Health: Medical, Legal, Environmental & Educational Partnerships” MarchMar 02 2021 12:00pm - 01:00pm

As part of the Community Health Research & Practice seminar series sponsored by the CWRU Master of Public Health program, the Schubert Center for Child Studies will host a talk titled “Improving Child Health: Medical, Legal, Environmental & Educational Partnerships” Tuesday, March 2, from noon to 1 p.m.

Vanessa Maier, medical director of the School Health Program at The MetroHealth System, and Katie Feldman, managing attorney of health and opportunity at The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, will present at this talk.

Using pediatric asthma management as a case study, they will discuss how improving children’s health requires more than just medical care. School-based health centers, medical-legal partnerships (MLP) and environmental justice efforts all help reduce disparities and improve health outcomes. Attendees will hear how Legal Aid’s MLP sites in pediatrics at MetroHealth and at the University Hospitals Rainbow Center for Women & Children use legal services as an intervention to address housing conditions, advocate for specialized educational plans and develop plans for families’ economic and social needs.

A Q&A session will follow the virtual presentation. This event is free and open to the community. Email schubertcenter@case.edu to receive the Zoom link.

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