In the early 21st century, speculative fiction’s genres and subgenres are bursting their boundaries and flooding mainstream and young adult literature: Science fiction. High fantasy. Cyberpunk, steampunk, sword and sorcery. Why this contemporary boom in alternate narrative worlds? Why deep space and vampires? Do blockbuster successes like Twilight transform our taste for things unreal or unnatural? Why categorize at all?
Join the Pop Culture Research Working Group for a look at these questions—and more—in “Science Fantasy: The New Mash Up” on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 4:30 p.m. in Clark Hall 206.
Karen Long, book editor at The Plain Dealer, will moderate the panel of guests that include Plain Dealer television critic Mark Dawidziak, young adult author Mara Purnhagen and science fiction novelist Charles Oberndorf.
For more information, visit