Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that eye tracking was invasive. It is not invasive. The announcement has been corrected.
Department of Psychological Sciences
We are currently conducting an eye tracking research study on childhood brain injury and need children who have and have not experienced a brain injury. Your entire visit will last about one hour. Before the study, you will be asked to sign a consent form for you and your child’s participation in the study. As a caregiver, you will answer a short study on your child. For the study, your child will also answer a short survey. Then, he/she will look at different pictures while a computer captures what he/she looks at and how much effort it takes for him/her to complete the tasks. Eye tracking is not invasive and is known to be safe.
Eligibility for all children:
- 8-12 years old
- Proficient English speaker
- Attending school
- Can follow 2-3 step directions and participate for 30 minutes with breaks.
For children who have not experienced a brain injury:
- No history of cognitive, emotional or learning disability or special education services
For children who have experienced a brain injury:
- At least six months of age at injury
- Injury occurred at least six months ago
- No medical history of abusive head trauma
To schedule an appointment and/or to learn more about the study, please contact Jessica Salley at or Dr. Anastasia Dimitropoulos at or 216.368.3471.