Some people think of Greek life as a way to network, make friends, have fun and help the community. But for Graham Reeves, Greek life is an entire way of living.
A senior psychology major from Atlanta, Reeves serves as chair of this year’s Greek Week committee and president of the Order of Omega Greek Leadership Honor Society—while also working in the Office of Greek Life, where he’s assisted since his second year on campus. In addition, he served three years as an executive member of the Interfraternity Congress and he’s a current member (and former president) of Delta Tau Delta. In fact, his Greek life affiliation is so much a part of him that he’s already accepted a post-graduation job working for the fraternity nationally.
But Reeves wasn’t always sold on the fraternity world—in fact, he was skeptical when he first arrived at Case Western Reserve. Learn more about him.
1. What superpower would you most like to have?
If I could have any super power it would have to be the ability to teleport. I don’t really know if this counts as a superpower, but I think it would be amazing. It would be wonderfully useful on mornings when I am running late for class or if I felt like getting out of the cold Cleveland weather I could just snap my fingers and be in the Caribbean.
2. What’s your favorite place to dine in Cleveland?
For my 22nd birthday I went out with a group of friends to The Greenhouse Tavern for dinner. I think part of it was certainly the company I was with, but the food was absolutely delicious. I would put it up there as my favorite fancier place to eat in Cleveland. The other option would be to go to Angie’s Soul Café to get some really good chicken and waffles or some other comfort food.
3. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was a child I really wanted to be an architect. I always enjoyed building things and messing around with Legos, but as I grew up I realized that I don’t have the artistic ability to draw as well as an architect needs to.
4. What accomplishments are you most proud of—personally and professionally?
I think that the accomplishment that I am most proud of personally is the amount of great friendships that I have made in my life. I still have a good group of friends from high school that I talk to at least once a week.
In my time at CWRU, I have made some great friends both in Delta Tau Delta and with other people on campus. It makes me feel good to be able to be there for my friends and be supportive.
My proudest professional accomplishment is getting a job working for my national fraternity as a traveling leadership consultant after I graduate. It is generally a highly competitive position.
5. What’s your favorite thing about Case Western Reserve University?
My favorite thing about CWRU is definitely the Greek system here. It’s often overlooked, but we actually have one of the best Greek communities in the nation. Coming from the South, I was hesitant about joining a fraternity, but the Greek system here defies all of the bad stereotypes and it has provided an amazing amount of opportunities for me, both socially and professionally.