Jenifer Neils

“The 2017 Baker-Nord Distinguished Faculty Lecture: The Sauroktonos (Lizard-Slayer) from Praxiteles to Charles Ray”

The Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities will host the 2017 Baker-Nord Distinguished Faculty Lecture Wednesday, Feb. 1, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center, ballroom A.

Jenifer NeilsJenifer Neils, the Elsie B. Smith Professor in the Liberal Arts in the Department of Classics, will present “The Sauroktonos (Lizard-Slayer) from Praxiteles to Charles Ray.”

In 2004, the Cleveland Museum of Art acquired a rare ancient bronze statue of the type known as Apollo the Lizard-Slayer. In her lecture, Neils will take a deeper look at the style and meaning of this notable Greek sculpture and questions its identity as Apollo and its attribution to Praxiteles.

Neils is the recipient of the 2017 Baker-Nord Center Award for Distinguished Scholarship in the Humanities, which recognizes the outstanding scholarship of Case Western Reserve University faculty in the humanities and their contribution to the university’s reputation.

Learn more and register for the event.