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University Compliance Program to conduct online training program for all faculty and staff

It’s time for round two of online compliance training at Case Western Reserve.

But the good news is that the 2016 version is more concise and customized than the inaugural outing—and also includes new information about cybersecurity, privacy and political activity on campus.

Over the next two months, approximately 5,000 staff and faculty will receive emails directing them to the new educational module housed on Blackboard, the university’s learning management system. Completing the training should take between 35 and 45 minutes, and can be done all at once or in separate, briefer sessions.

In addition to its new content, the training will include updated information regarding: diversity, financial transparency, and honesty and integrity. The lessons provide overviews of the university’s policies and practices regarding these subjects, and also offer guidance regarding where to find resources when needed.

Faculty and staff first participated in online training during an 18-month period in 2014 and 2015. About 3,000 people participated then, achieving a response rate of 99 percent.

“It was a very successful effort,” Boyd Kumher, chief compliance officer, said. “I really did appreciate that because people did get on board and complete the training.”

In fact, so many people logged on soon after receiving the emails that the demand placed significant strain on the training platform—as well as those charged to answer questions or resolve technical difficulties.

Instead of sending out all of the email notifications at once, organizers will issue batches of about 500 each every couple of weeks. Those newest to the university will receive the earliest messages. Everyone involved in the training should receive an email by the end of September.

Moving forward, the office will issue updated iterations of the training that will be repeated each fiscal year for all staff and faculty.

Learn more about the University Compliance Program at