computer laptop with someone typing

UCITE seminar: “Using Scalar”

At the next University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education seminar, lecturer Kristine Kelly will discuss the affordances and constraints of writing using the digital tool Scalar.

Scalar is an open-source, web-publishing platform developed at the University of Southern California that allows for media-rich, non-linear writing digital projects.

Kelly’s presentation, titled “Using Scalar,” will be held Friday, Nov. 17, from 11:40 to 12:30 p.m. in the Allen Memorial Medical Library Herrick Room.

Pizza lunch and soda will be provided at this session.


About the seminar

Digital literacy is an important objective of teaching and learning. While most students engage widely with digital writing on the Internet through social media, wikis and news feeds, more attention needs to be given to how to write and read creatively and responsibly in public-facing digital spaces.

Using Scalar permits authors to incorporate their writing with digital media they can assemble from multiple sources, but with only a minimal level of technical expertise.

Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop and to take a minute to set up an account on Scalar before the session. Set up an account at