“The First Amendment and Freedom of Expression on College Campuses”

Case Western Reserve University School of Law invites members of the campus community to a presentation titled “The First Amendment and Freedom of Expression on College Campuses” Monday, Sept. 30, at 4 p.m. in the Moot Courtroom (A59).

Jonathan Adler, the Johan Verheij Memorial Professor of Law, and Bryan Adamson, the David L. Brennan Chaired Professor of Law, will present constitutional, statutory and policy considerations in the regulation of freedom of expression on college campuses. They will address: 

  • Core First Amendment principles of civil disobedience and political speech;
  • Time, place and manner restrictions; 
  • “Hate” speech, harassment, incitement, and “true threats”; 
  • Counter-speech, hostile audiences and the “heckler’s veto;” 
  • Due process; and 
  • The distinctive First Amendment rights and obligations of public versus private institutions.

Adler and Adamson will engage these concepts in the context of examining our own campus policies and practices.

Register to attend.