RTA bus

Take a transportation survey for a chance to win prizes

Help the Office for Sustainability and University Circle Inc. by taking a short survey on transportation use to campus. The survey will help better measure commuter carbon footprints and set new transportation goals for our district.

Your input will help decision makers implement new mode shift programs, and the data collected will serve as the baseline for future studies.

By taking the survey, you will be entered to win prizes, including gift cards, yoga packages and water bottles.

There are different links for students and employees, and the available prizes are different for each group.

Employees can win:

  • One of three $10 gift certificates to Blazing Saddle Cycle;
  • One of five single class passes to Cleveland Yoga, a reusable bag and water bottle; or
  • One of seven five-day unlimited RTA passes for use on RTA buses, trains and the HealthLine.

Take the faculty and staff survey.

Students can win:

  • Gift cards to Barnes & Noble;
  • Solar cell phone chargers;
  • Klean Kanteen water bottles; or
  • A long sleeve Patagonia fleece jacket.

Take the student survey.

All survey participants can bring their survey confirmation page to Blazing Saddle Cycle to receive $25 off their next bike tune-up, which is regularly priced at $65.