Calendar with a pen and coffee cup

Social Justice Institute Teach-In: “Authoritarianism and Its Challenges to Democracy and College Campuses”

Open to the campus and community, the Social Justice Institute presents a Teach-In: “Authoritarianism and its Challenges to Democracy and College Campuses.”

Some news reports and op-eds say that white nationalists have been legitimized and emboldened by the current presidential administration.

In August, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists took to the streets in Charlottesville during a day of protests that saw one woman killed and dozens injured—and the president criticize violence and bigotry on “many sides.”

President Donald Trump has called for a ban on transgender members of the military and threatened to end DACA for more than 800,000 young immigrants if Congress does not develop a workable alternative within six months.

Is this the formation of neo-fascism? What can be done to challenge this militant right movement? What is the role of the university campus?

Join the Social Justice Institute for a panel discussion to more deeply understand this historical moment, its call to action, and the role of the university. Following opening remarks by Dean Cyrus Taylor (College of Arts and Scientists), the panel will include John Flores (History), Kenneth Ledford (History) and Ayesha Bell Hardaway (Law).

This event will be held Friday, Sept. 29, from 12:45 to 2 p.m. in Clapp Hall, Room 108.