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Organizations Slow Food on Campus, La Dolce Vita honored by French Embassy

The Cultural Services of the French Embassy recently awarded two student organizations, Slow Food on Campus and La Dolce Vita, with the France on Campus Award. They were among 10 organizations in the U.S. chosen for the honor, and were congratulated by the Consul General of France, Guillaume Lacroix, in person. Their faculty advisors also were present: Denise Caterinacci, senior instructor of Italian; Charlotte Sanpere, full-time lecturer of French, and Mary Holmes, SAGES instructor.

The award provides significant support and wide visibility for an upcoming project, “Earthly Goods: Cultivating Community.” The awarded project involves student collaborators, faculty and community members in discussions, presentations, films and a competition that will allow students to be funded for a visit to the upcoming worldwide summit on Slow Food, “Terra Madre,” in Turin, Italy.

In conjunction with this project, two courses on the Slow Food Movement (one in Italian and one in French) will be offered in fall 2018.

Students already have been working with the French Consulate team assigned to them specifically to help realize the goals put forth in the project proposal.