Nursing professor authors guidebook on creative nursing career choices

If you want to travel the high seas, work as a crime scene investigator, hike through rugged and remote areas, or even serve as an expert witness, then a career in nursing may be for you, according to Joyce J. Fitzpatrick, the Elizabeth Brooks Ford Professor of Nursing at Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing and co-author of 201 Careers in Nursing (Springer Publishing).

201 Careers in Nursing makes it clear that nursing is not limited to hospital work.

Fitzpatrick and Case Western Reserve alumnus (and now a faculty member at New York University) Emerson E. Ea, compiled the comprehensive list of nursing career choices. This new guide is an update to the 2006 publication of 101 Careers in Nursing.

201 Careers in Nursing points out the diversity of careers in nursing and offers guidance about education and professional requirements and real-world examples of people who have chosen unique career paths.

“What’s happened to the nursing profession in a just few short years,” said Fitzpatrick, “is that nurses realize that they can branch out into a number of fields and use their bachelor of nursing degree as the beginning of that new career.”

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