New PostCheck policy announced for campus postings, including fliers, chalking and Spirit Wall

It is important for student groups to have adequate opportunities to publicize their events; it is equally important to maintain an attractive campus free of unnecessary litter. The following PostCheck 2011 guidelines are designed to achieve those objectives, while avoiding limitations to freedom of speech.

General Posting Policy
Student organizations may post information and notices concerning their organizations and its activities in areas provided by the university. Only one flier per designated surface is permitted, fliers may not exceed 11 inches by 17 inches and fliers may not obstruct other posted materials. Posting of any derogatory, obscene or offensive message, either explicitly or implicitly, is strictly prohibited. University personnel will remove all postings inside academic buildings every Friday evening and on kiosks every Monday morning. These areas also will be checked regularly to remove dated notices, non-university related postings and violations.

Permitted Posting Areas

  • All surfaces marked with the PostCheck sign, including kiosks and bulletin boards
  • Residential facilities – directed by Housing, Residence Life & Greek Life. Fliers must be submitted to Wade Area Office or Fribley Area Office for approval
  • Public bulletin boards located in Wade and Fribley Area Commons

Prohibited Posting Areas

  • All surfaces NOT marked with the PostCheck sign
  • All academic and administrative buildings and restricted surfaces in residential facilities (including windows, doors, columns, etc.)
  • All artwork and sculptures, trees, telephone/light poles, furniture and seating, sidewalk, streets, and signs


  • Permitted: Chalking on university pedestrian walkways
  • Prohibited: Chalking on vertical surfaces, buildings, artwork, covered walkways or non-university pedestrian walkways. Use of acrylics, ink, spray-chalk and paint is strictly prohibited.

Spirit Wall

  • Permitted: Painting one section (of four) between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m., viewable for 1 day.
  • Prohibited: Painting at any other time or painting more than one section without written permission from the Office of Student Affairs. Requests must be submitted via email to at least three weeks in advance.

Electronic Fliers

  • Fliers for the plasma screen televisions on campus should be submitted to> My Student Affair> My Services> Electronic Fliers for approval of the website administrator.


Violations of this policy will be referred to the university judicial system in the Office of Student Affairs. Groups or individuals responsible for violations will be assessed the actual cost of cleanup and any necessary repairs. The minimum charge will be $50 with additional action and fees possible in more serious cases.