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“Mapping Desire” workshop

Join Ignacio Rivera and Jaime M. Grant for a “Mapping Desire” workshop Tuesday, Sept. 19, from 6 to 9 p.m. in Tinkham Veale University Center, ballroom A.

Rivera is a queer, Two-Spirit, Black-Boricua Taino poet, performer and activist. Rivera has spoken nationally and internationally on racism, sexism, LGBTQ issues, anti-oppression, anti-violence, sexual liberation and multi-issue organizing.

Grant, author of Great Sex: Mapping Your Desire, is a sex coach, researcher and writer who has been active in LGBT, women’s and racial justice movements since the late 1980s.

In their “Mapping Desire” workshop, Rivera and Grant invite participants to explore their relationships with their desires, past and present, as well as how those desires fit into a broader landscape of society with the complexities of gender, race, class, ability, etc.

The Flora Stone Mather Center for Women, LGBT Center, Greek Life and the Social Justice Institute will sponsor this event.

Register for the workshop.