Genetics of Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease in Minority Populations

A study by Dr. Jonathan Haines is looking at the genetic factors that contribute to or cause Alzheimer’s Disease.  We are looking for research participants that meet the following qualifications:
African American or Puerto Rican families where: Two family members have dementia, memory loss or Alzheimer’s Disease AND one family member who does NOT have memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease.
African American or Puerto Rican individuals who have dementia, memory loss or Alzheimer’s Disease but have no family history of any of these conditions.
African American or Puerto Rican individuals with no immediate family history of dementia and who have no memory loss themselves.

Your participation can help researchers in the fight against Alzheimer’s Disease.  Participants will complete an interview and give a small blood sample.  Interviews and blood draws can be done at your home.  For more information or to enroll in the study call or email Sara Kennedy 216-368-4693